

Mac & Cheese Crisp Bundt

Mac & Cheese Crisp Bundt

Hello my friends if you like cheese, well you find this good recipe, you will see how to make mac & cheese crisp bundt.


  1. 250g cheddar, grated
  2. 200g taleggio
  3. 2 whole eggs
  4. 250g cooking mozzarella, but sliced
  5. 50g mozzarella, grated
  6. 600ml milk
  7. 100g cheese doritos, blitzed to a fine crumb
  8. 500g macaroni
  9. 40g butter
  10. 40g plain flour


To see how to make mac & cheese crisp bundt, you can see the instructions--->Here

Mac & Cheese Crisp Bundt Mac & Cheese Crisp Bundt Reviewed by Mananca Sanatos on noiembrie 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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